Questions are the building blocks of your registration forms, as they help you collect relevant information from event participants. They allow you to set up matchmaking based on labels you assign to answers, and they can provide valuable event data.
Questions can be added to form pages individually, or you can group multiple questions on a page (e.g. create a Personal details or Professional profile page), and add that page to your form.
A question can be as simple as a single word (e.g. Company, Email, Address), or more complex, such as Which regions does your company serve?.
There are predefined system questions that you can add to pages and forms, which do not allow editing. Those are general questions, such as Name, Company, Email etc.
You can define your own custom questions that you can use either on event level – the question will only be available for a specific event, or at organisation level – the question is available for all events within your organisation.
You can choose between five types of answers for your questions:
- Open: allows respondents to type in their answers (free text).
- Dropdown: answer can be selected from a drop-down list (single option answer).
- Checkbox: respondents tick the box(es) corresponding to their answer(s) – one or more options possible.
- Checkbox Tree: each answer has sub-items that the respondent can check – one or more options can be selected.
- Radio: respondents must select one option from a list (single option answer).
Access from Homepage: Select your event > Form > Questions
You can add a new question, or edit an existing question. For information about questions provided by Visit Create, refer to Questions and pages.
You can also create questions within a registration form. Refer to Create and add questions for more information.
Add a question
- Select +Add.
- Provide the following question settings:
Setting | Description |
Question level | Event level questions are only available for use with the event you are currently editing. Organisation level questions are available to all events across the current organisation. |
Name in list | The name Visit Create uses to display the question, for example on the questions list and the event setup Visitor questions tab. |
Question text | Enter the question. Provide a version for each translation. |
Text position | Controls how Visit Create positions the question on registration forms. |
Type | Controls the answer type. The options are: Open: you can choose between Small text and Large text answer type, Dropdown, Radio, Checkbox, or Checkbox Tree: Visit Create asks you to define an answer list. Select + Add to add an answer, or Delete to remove an answer. You can sort the answer list manually by dragging and dropping the answers, or alphabetically by selecting Alphabetical in the Sort answers dropdown. |
- Select Save.
Checkbox Tree Questions
Checkbox Tree type of questions allow you to have more complex answers (multiple sub-options for the same answer).
They can be added both in the Questions editor, or in the Create form editor. The answer hierarchy can be edited directly in Visit forms, or it can be defined when you import the answers from an Excel file – see details below.
You can add multiple sub-items to each answer option. Sub-items (child) answers will only become visible once the registrant selects the main (parent) answer. They will also be automatically de-selected if the respondent unchecks the main answer.

Once you have added all the answers – either in the Questions section, or in the form editor (both parent/main and child/sub-items) – you can define the answer hierarchy in the Visit Create form editor – simply drag the child answers over the parent answer and they will appear as a sub-item. You must also define a mandate level for each question, meaning that you decide up to which level answers and their sub-items are mandatory:

Import answers
When you want to add multiple answers to a question, importing the list from Excel can be a more efficient solution.
We advise that you add 1-2 answers from the question editor, this way you can export a template with the main headers of the Excel file that you can easily fill in.
To import/export from/to an Excel file, use the buttons at the bottom of the Answers section:

The Excel must contain the following: Reference (must be unique for each answer), Parent reference (for sub-items/child answers – only for Checkbox Tree type of questions), Type, Name, Text (one column for each translation).
Here is a sample file used to add the answers to the above Checkbox Tree question:

Once you’ve added all your answers to Excel , save the changes and click the Import button in the question editor to upload them, then click Save.
Edit a question
- Browse or search for the question you want to edit. You can filter the questions list to show only System, Organisation or Event questions.
- Select Edit. Visit Create displays the question form.
- Make your changes. Refer Add a question for information on each setting.
- Select Save.