
Partners can use the Visit Connect app or Touchpoints to collect connections at your event. This way, they gather visitor data which is available to them in Visit Connect. For more information on how it works, please refer to the Visit Connect documentation.

For partners to be able to use any of the two lead capture tools, they need to have one or multiple scan licences (for Visit Connect) and/or Touchpoint licenses, depending on the number of devices they intend to use.

The Partner Scanners page in Visit Create displays the status of all the available and used licences.

Access from Homepage: Select your event > Onsite > Partner Scanners

Export scanner data

At any point during or after the event, you can export all data relating to partner scanners, such as company name and contact, number of available scan licenses, number of scan and native apps activated, and the number of linked Touchpoints.

Select Export to Excel to export the data as a spreadsheet.