
Check-ins are used to scan registrants when they arrive, print badges, help registrants who have lost their vouchers, allow people to register on the spot and so on.

The Visit Check-in Terminals page in Visit Create displays the status of all the linked Check-ins.

Access from Homepage: Select your event > Onsite > Visit Check-in Terminals

Check-in status

Check-in is connected and synchronisation has taken place in the last 15 seconds.
Check-in is connected, but it’s still synchronising data. You can find the last synchronised time in the details section (select the terminal from the list and a pop-up will open at the bottom of the screen).
Synchronisation has not taken place for more than 15 seconds.You can find the last synchronised time in the details section.
Check-in is switched off and a final synchronisation was successfully completed.

You also have the option to select one or multiple terminals from the list and Enable/Disable support, Update, Shut down or Hide from list the selected item(s).