
Visit Discover is a digital portal that allows your visitors to register for your event, access their digital badge, view and contact exhibitors, collect and review digital content. Visit Discover also provides visitors with recommendations based on their interests and preferences.

As an organiser, you need to configure Visit Discover for your event. You can choose the registration form, digital badge, email templates, and other custom options for your portal. You can also customise the theme and appearance of your portal to match your event branding and style.

In this page, you will learn how to access and manage the Visit Discover settings for your event, so you can provide your visitors with a convenient and engaging digital portal.

Access from Homepage: Select your event > Event > Visit Discover

You have three ways of accessing the Visit Discover:

  1. Visit Discover Link which can be copied to clipboard and shared.
  2. QR code that can be scanned using a smartphone or tablet, which opens the Visit Discover on the mobile device.
  3. Open Visit Discover button which opens the Visit Discover in a separate tab.

When you first access the Visit Discover, you will see the portal exactly as your visitors see it:

It will display the registration form and a left-side menu with two tabs: Register and Exhibitors.

Edit Visit Discover

Click the Enter edit mode icon in the bottom-right corner.


In the Settings tab you can:

  1. Choose the registration form to be displayed in the portal. Users will need to fill this form when first accessing Visit Discover.
  2. Choose the shop form to be displayed in the What’s on section. This form is linked to paid activities/seminars that attendees can register for.
  3. Choose the digital badge to be linked to Visit Discover.
  4. Choose the content email template to be sent to visitors.
  5. Enable or disable Scan QR Code, which will add or remove the Scan QR code option to/from Visit Discover.


You can either choose to keep the System Default theme, or you can create multiple personalised ones, by clicking the Add theme icon.

The Theme tab allows you to:

  1. Select Organisation, Event or System Default Theme
  2. Enter a name for your theme
  3. Select whether the theme should be available at Event or Organisation Level
  4. Click the Save theme icon once you are done.

You can also delete the themes you have created by clicking the Remove theme icon . Note that if all custom themes are removed, the theme setting will return to System Default.