
Status indicators

Hover over the status indicator icons in the Check-in to check the status of your Check-in setup.

For information on monitoring your Check-in from Visit Create, refer to Monitor Check-ins.

System restarts

If the Check-in displays a message saying that the system needs to restart, always agree to restart.

Check-in updates

When a software update is ready, Check-in displays an Update  icon in the system tray. Install updates as soon as you can, as they may include vital fixes and improvements that will ensure the smooth running of your event.

  1. Select Update .
  2. If prompted, enter the Check-in password. This password is set in your Check-in settings in Visit Create. Refer to Manage Check-in settings for more information.
  3. When asked if you want to update Check-in, select Yes. You will see a message telling you that the update is in progress. After a few minutes, the update will finish and you can once again use Check-in.