
Check-in can be used for visitors to register for the event, if they have not done so in advance. Follow this guide if your Check-in terminal will be used for Self Registration.

Step 1 – Create your Registration Form

Forms are all designed in Visit Create. Go to the Form > Forms menu to view the forms you already have.

If one of the forms you already have is suitable, you can skip this step.

If you need a dedicated form for onsite registrations, you can either start one from scratch with the button, or clone and edit an existing one with the icon on the form in question.

For help designing your form, consult the main Visit Create documentation.

Step 2 – Check your Check-in Settings

In Visit Create, go to Onsite > Settings menu. Under General Check-in Settings, make sure that Self Registration is ticked.

Select the registration form to use for onsite registrations.

Step 3 – Create Your Badge Design

Badges are also all designed in Visit Create. Go to the Design > Documents menu, and  a new document. You must use an appropriate template for the printer type and paper stock that you are using.

For more help designing your badge, consult the main Visit Create documentation.

Step 4 – Load the form on Check-in

  • Click the settings icon.
  • Choose Self Registration.
  • Select the badge design in use for this terminal.

If you would like to track where the registration took place (for example, you have multiple entrances) then you can choose a location. Click to add a new one not currently shown.

When you save these settings, the form will be shown ready for use.