
Our system works in a resilient way that does not rely on a permanent internet connection. For us to do this, each Check-in terminal takes a pool of DTCM tickets and stores them in the machine, ready for people to register. They can then register successfully and provide a valid DTCM-compliant ticket, regardless of an internet connection. We then transmit the data back to DTCM as soon as an internet connection is available – usually this will be immediately.

The size of the pool of pre-allocated DTCM tickets held by each machine is variable and is usually recommended to be set based on the likely reliability of the internet connection. In most instances, 10 codes per machine will easily suffice, but in weaker areas you may wish to opt for more. Just remember that if the internet fails and the pool of tickets runs out, no further badges may be produced or a fine will be applicable from DTCM.

Please note that Check-in terminals can register new free badges. Any paid tickets must first be registered through Visit, and the badge can then be issued by Check-in once the data has synchronized. Under normal conditions, it will be available to print within a few seconds.