

Some organisers wish to use features from multiple event technology platforms. In this case, the best user experience is to have a single application with the tools accessible within that. This document describes how to embed Visit’s lead scanning engine (Visit Connect Light) and the Digital Badge into a third-party app.

Fetching the URLs

When a visitor or exhibitor’s team member has been registered in Visit, the data is available to fetch via the Visit JSON API. That includes two available fields – visitConnectURL (for Visit Connect) and embeddedDigitalBadgeURL (for the badge). These are personalised URLs for that specific attendee, and should not be disclosed. (Note: the HTML digital badge is available starting with release 5.1 on 18th December 2022).

Integrating the Digital Badge

The Digital Badge URL will return a full HTML page, containing the digital badge as designed by the organiser. In its simplest form, this HTML could be displayed in an IFRAME. However, wherever possible, we recommend that this page is loaded in the background at the earliest opportunity, and cached. This way, if the user’s device loses internet connection, they have the best chance of the badge being displayed. The third-party should display the cached version, with the option to attempt to fetch an update and display that if possible. We recommend that the badge is refreshed periodically to fetch any updates. However, if this isn’t possible, the original QR code will still be valid.

Integrating Visit Connect Lite

Visit Connect runs as a fully-functional progressive web app, and stores both the application and connection data captured into the local storage memory of the device. The data is synchronised whenever an internet connection is available. It can be launched within an IFRAME from the host application. It is critical that, if the user navigates away from the IFRAME (e.g. to another feature of the host app), or even closes the host app, the session contained within the IFRAME is maintained. If a user were to be scanning offline, and the session is closed, the exhibitor’s data could be lost and unrecoverable.

Merging Connections

If the host application is using other ways of collecting leads, you may wish to add the Visit connections data to create a single list. This is possible by fetching the connection data via the Visit API. Note that this will usually only contain the core contact data. For data protection reasons, additional information captured by the exhibitor, such as notes, answers to questions, and other media, is retained within Visit Connect and not shared with third parties.


Please contact our support team at if you would like to discuss Visit integration.