
Release Notes: Visit 5.33

Visit Create

Improved email confirmation for group registrations

Before Release 5.33: When registering a group for an event, only the main registrant received a confirmation email. Group registrants did not get their own confirmation emails. Additionally, the Email Rules always had a default option without any rule attached. Note that group registrants will receive ‘approved’ or ‘declined’ emails when using the verification function.

What’s new in Release 5.33?

  • We’ve introduced an option to send confirmation emails to all group registrants.
  • The Email Rules now allow you to add a rule with conditions, rather than always having a default option with no rule.

How this affects emailing:

  • For new events created after the release, all registrants—both main and group registrants—will receive a confirmation email.
  • For existing events, there is no automatic change. Only the main registrant will continue receiving the confirmation email unless system users enable this setting manually. If you wish to have this enabled, please contact your Visit account manager.

Important: These changes only affect Confirmation emails. Payment pending and Invoice emails will still be sent exclusively to the main registrant. When using verification both main and group members will continue to receive Approved and Declined emails if configured.

To send different email templates to main and group registrants, set up rules using the Special > Group type condition. For example to configure an email template applicable to Group Registrants only:


We’ve made several back-end improvements to enhance system performance, thus ensuring a smoother experience for all users.