Release notes 4.10
Reminder: End of life of Visit 3 forms
As notified previously, it is no longer possible to edit forms created in Visit 3. They are still displayed in the form listing. Registrants can still register via Visit 3 forms if those links are in circulation.
Group registration
The group registration functionality has been improved as follows:
- It is now possible to link different shop items to individual people in a group.
- It is now possible to configure shop items as “mandatory”. They will be added by default to each individual in a group.
- It is now possible to limit the number of shop items assigned to each individual in a group.
RTL (right-to-left) format
All languages written in a RTL (right-to-left) format are now supported in registration forms.
API improvements
- It is now possible to retrieve the profile picture of a record via the API (read only mode).
- It is now possible to retrieve only registration types that are in use, in registration forms, in an event.